What a week for Rust and me!
I am in the process of writing a Rust book and tomorrow I will complete Chapter 4 (the chapters will be 15 or 16).
I managed to write two articles and consistently post Rust tips on all the platforms. I am niching down hard, and I am absolutely enjoying this!
I started reading a new Rust book, Rust for Rustaceans.
I like the friendly style and how it explains the fundamentals in detail. It’s also a goldmine for a content creator and a great source of new ideas.
Things worth checking:
Tractor (Translate All c to Rust): U.S. Government Backs TRACTOR Program to Automate Conversion of Legacy C Code to Rust, Targeting Elimination of Memory Safety Vulnerabilities: https://www.darpa.mil/program/translating-all-c-to-rust
Rust 1.80: The Rust team just announced the release of Rust 1.80.0. I created an article to make a quick recap about the newest features: https://dev.to/francescoxx/announcing-rust-1800-2njd
I wrote an article about Rust’s syntax. It’s actually listed in page 1 of Google for the search “Rust Syntax“: https://dev.to/francescoxx/getting-familiar-with-rusts-syntax-35cd
Rustcrab, the Rust Open Source project, reached 369 stars and it has some issues open: https://github.com/FrancescoXX/rustcrab
I released a new video about Testing in Rust. If you are curious, here is the link: https://youtu.be/UyJ1mEqKMvE?si=iP6XBhfyawD8bXvR
Today, at 1 pm CEST, there will be a live event on YouTube to explain more about Testing in Rust, and we will also build a simple project together: https://www.youtube.com/live/LhzkG0COLr0?si=BeH6ncKJD6mHD8Ho
(Personal Update): I announced my upcoming Rust book a few days ago. And it has already earned the #1 New Release tag in its category on Amazon. To celebrate this, it’s currently 10% off in many regions.
That’s it. If you want to learn Rust with me, my best suggestion is to subscribe to the YouTube channel, so you get a ton of free content